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Building Ventures For The Next Billion

With the global population surpassing eight billion, the world faces new challenges and opportunities. But by building and investing in new ventures, we can influence what that future—and the next generation of entrepreneurs who build it—looks like. Let’s create a world that makes space for us all.

If you’re an entrepreneur, a student, a startup, or an innovator, we invite you to apply to our venture competition. Saudi-women entrepreneurs and first-time founders are especially encouraged to apply and take advantage of our expert-led sessions designed to set your venture up for success.

Winners will be invited to join the TONOMUS Venture Studio, where you’ll receive resources and support from Silicon Valley experts as you launch your new venture. You’ll also have the chance to test your idea with TONOMUS, the technology company developing the world’s first ecosystem of cognitive technologies.

Counting on Cognitive

With another billion people, how can we house, power, and connect communities in more sustainable ways?

That depends on all of us. At TONOMUS, we believe the solutions that push us forward—from cognitive technology to energy—should be as diverse as the people they serve.

We are seeking technology-driven ideas and ventures from a range of sectors to develop fully cognitive cities—cities that use the power of data to anticipate and resolve issues before they occur, cities that make the most of our planet’s limited resources, cities that will become home for the next billion.

Submit Idea or Venture

Below are a few venture examples to jumpstart your inspiration. But don’t limit your thinking—we’re open to anything and everything.

Design and Construction
How can we harness new digital technologies to efficiently design, build, and service city infrastructure in more sustainable ways?
Transportation and Mobility
How can we transform every step of a journey for people and goods to enable a more connected, safe, and sustainable mobility experience?
How can we use technology to provide breakthrough solutions in affordable energy production that meet new sustainability targets?
How can we use new technology to develop regional self-sufficiency in agriculture and food delivery?
Surprise Us
How can we surprise the world by building a cognitive city that delivers meaningful improvements in how diverse communities live, work, and play?
What makes this opportunity unique?

Many entrepreneurs talk about changing the world, but this is the chance to do it. Joining our Venture Studio will provide you and your team with a unique chance to expedite your venture by several years.

We are providing applicants with interactive workshops and seminars to help share this opportunity with those who may be new to venture building. As you progress through the competition, you will gain more access to training resources, including seminars to strengthen your application, experienced mentors to push your ideas further, and a multiday networking event with startup leaders in Silicon Valley.

And then there’s NEOM.

What is Neom?

NEOM is much more than TONOMUS' biggest customer: it is a destination like no other, a world waiting to be discovered and developed.

NEOM is our chance to affect change in sectors like energy and water, design and construction, education, health, food, nature, renewable energy, tourism, media, financial services, mobility, and more.

NEOM is a laboratory, a place to test ideas and cutting-edge technologies on a built-in customer base.

Most importantly, NEOM is the future. Help us build solutions to the world’s biggest problems here—and we’ll share them everywhere.

Submit Idea or Venture
Our Venture Studio

Competition winners will be invited to join the TONOMUS Venture Studio for an immersive 12-week series of sprints (which may be extended at our discretion). And if you gain acceptance into our Venture Studio, you’ll have an experience unlike any you’ve had before.


At the end of the 12 weeks, your team will prepare to pitch your idea to outside seed investors for an initial funding round.


You’ll develop your idea in a state-of-the-art digital environment with a focus on design thinking, research, and prototyping.


A design-focused process that consists of finding customer pain points, determining the right product/service, designing the business, and prototype testing.


Our experts will guide you through early customer development sprints and approaches to develop milestone-based funding plans.


We’ll help hire any additional team members and experts you need to complete the Venture Studio program.


Our team will provide hands-on support with digital prototype development.

Business Design

Anticipating go-to market, we’ll work with you to design the right business model and strategy for revenue generation.


We’ll help brand your business, including initial naming and logo development.

Meet the Judges

John Albright Jane Nguyen Diana Russo Carl Collins
VP of Product Chief Strategy Officer VP of Technology VP of Sales

Investment Criteria

Fulfills the Mission Valuable Solution Managable Risk
Ensure your proposal is aligned with the sponsor's mission and meets all criteria Fulfill a costly need in the target market and showcase your product differentation Thoroughly research the risks and provide details on how they might be addressed


Leverage the following resources for building your Proposals and Pitch presentations:



For Proposal Submissions

Business Model Canvas

Value Proposition Canvas

Business Environment Canvas



For Pitch Presentations

Pitch Deck Template

Contact Us

Have questions? Contact the Initiative Manager